Monday, December 31, 2007

Do Something Great in 2008 - Do Yoga!

Happy New Year!

So many great events have occurred during the month of December here at Yoga Rocks and I finally am sitting down long enough to tell you all about them.

Many of you have been in the studio participating in these year end events and it has truly been an honor and a privilege to serve you during 2007.


Well, for one, we moved! Yes, our new space is big and spacious and we are still in the process of figuring it out...but that's work for 2008!!! We are just so happy to have moved and to be a growing company in Oyster Bay!

And we have implemented a lot of new workshops and events that we are happy to share with you. Some of which were our Grand Opening, Prenatal Series, Twisting Workshop with Dara, Beginner Series with Lauren, and our two very popular year end events: Our 3rd Annual Holiday Detox Yoga Class and our 3rd Annual Yoga for a Stress Free Holiday Season!

We also offered some great kids events including the Yoga Rocks Kids Holiday Break Yoga Camp featuring the "Yoga Express!" It was a success and such a fun experience! Pictures coming soon!


To everyone who helped make Yoga Rocks a success in 2007.


We can't wait to show you what is up our sleeves in 2008!

So join us and make this your last new year's resolution ever!

When you do yoga....everything else falls into place.

So, just do it!


And do yoga with Yoga Rocks!


Wishing you a prosperous and happy new year,

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What do you want to see on the Winter Schedule?

The Winter Session starts on December 1st. Now is the time to send comments, suggestions, and ideas about what you want at Yoga Rocks this winter season.

Call, email, or come in and let us know!

We are always striving to give you the BEST POSSIBLE YOGA EXPERIENCE ever here at Yoga Rocks!

Thanks everyone!


Jeannine Speaks to Teachers, Grad Students and Administrators at C.W. Post University about Yoga in the Classroom

On November 7th, I spoke to a room full of teachers, administrators, and graduate students at C.W.Post University about teaching yoga in the classroom and how to incorporate Yoga Rocks Kids at their schools.

This inspiration presentation was videotaped and will be available to you for free in the next week or so.

Stay tuned for cool tips, tricks and ideas for bringing Yoga Rocks into your school!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


A warm thank you to everyone who generously donated to raise money for the Grand Opening Fundraiser of YOGA ROCKS in OYSTER BAY!

We had a wonderful day!

We offered a FREE YOGA CLASS at 10 am and over 35 people attended...and we are so happy that our new location can accommodate so many people! And we can still fit in more!

Then we held our Raffle Drawings and we were so excited to give such wonderful donated gifts to our clients.

Thank you to all vendors and the Oyster Bay Chamber of Commerce for all of your support!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Yoga Rocks Warms Up Walkers for JDRF Walkathon

On Sunday, September 16th, Yoga Rocks sponsored the Suffolk County Walk to Cure Juvenile Diabetes. We were the MAIN EVENT as we led the walkers through a series of movements and warm-ups before the big walk!

STAY TUNED because we are doing it again for NASSAU COUNTY on Sunday, September 30th!
See you there!


YOGA ROCKS is officially ready to rock and roll in Oyster Bay! We are having our SUPER GRAND OPENING FUNDRAISER for JUVENILE DIABETES this SUNDAY, September 23rd!

Here is the rundown for the event:

10:00 AM - FREE YOGA CLASS with Jeannine and Lauren

11:00 AM - FOOD, FUN, & RAFFLE DONATIONS FOR JUVENILE DIABETES! We are the proud sponsors of JDRF and we need your support! Plus you will get wonderful prizes from our local merchants for donating and buying raffle tickets! All merchants will come in to display items at this time too. And Pamela Rich, HHC, will be sharing a fun activity after class to guide you to living your best life now too!


2:00 PM - FREE KIDS YOGA DEMO and signups for the FALL SESSION

We are so excited to be OYSTER BAY'S FIRST PREMIER YOGA CENTER and look forward to sharing why YOGA ROCKS with all of you!

Come on down this Sunday to support Juvenile Diabetes!





Jeannine, Lauren, Michelle, Nicki, Kori Beth, Linda, Jessica, & Lorraine

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

We've Moved!

I am so happy to announce our big move to 127 South Street! It is my pleasure to bring you a beautiful, large studio space in our very own community. We are proud to be Oyster Bay's First Premier Yoga Center!

"Yesterday I had the most amazing private yoga session with Lauren at your new studio! We are soooo happy for you! You have created the best yoga environment for all of us. The new studio is literally you and your staff! We are really happy to be part of your exciting transformation and both are looking forward to your new fall schedule too. I love you guys and am so grateful that we found your yoga family."

Some of the features of the new center are:
  • a large studio space to practice that can accommodate over 30 people
  • great parking in the rear of the center (Townsend Square)
  • front and rear entrance
  • newly renovated, clean, and bright center
  • a separate changing room (coming soon!)

    Thank you to everyone for all of your support throughout the past three years. It is because of you that we are able to bring you this beautiful, new, spacious location in the heart of town.

    Join us for our wonderful, inspiring classes 7 days a week. I can't wait to see everyone enjoy the new space!

    Thank you so much!!!!

  • Saturday, July 28, 2007

    Special "Farewell Yoga Class" at 77 South Street with Jeannine

    I will be teaching the very last class at the original location of Yoga Rocks, 77 South Street, on Sunday, July 29th at 10:00 am. Join us as we say farewell to our beautiful, cozy space where it all began in Oyster Bay!


    Join us at we begin a new journey at the new location! I will be teaching the very first "Opening Class" at 127 South Street on Monday morning at 9:30 am. I will also be teaching the 7:30 pm class on Monday evenings as regularly scheduled.

    I hope to see you all there!

    I can't wait for you to see the new rocks!

    Pictures coming soon!!!!


    Sunday, July 22, 2007

    One Week Until the BIG MOVE!

    Yep, that's right. There is only one more week until we are officially in our new LARGE studio space at 127 South Street, Oyster Bay! I am so excited and I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the way it has turned out. We had an amazing team of workers who literally transformed the place in 8 days! It was so exciting to see the transformation. I will take some pictures and post them for all to see as soon as possible since we are still in the midst of moving and changing things. Be sure to stay posted as we work hard to give you a WHOLE NEW EXPERIENCE in Oyster Bay! Oyster Bay and Yoga are really going to rock and inspire us all now for sure! We're ready....are you? :) Stay tuned!

    Tuesday, July 17, 2007

    Second Yoga Rocks Kids Teacher Training is a Success!

    This past weekend was my 2nd Yoga Rocks Kids Teacher Training weekend. It was very exciting for me to be able to offer this unique and educational experience and share the gift of teaching yoga to kids with others.

    We had fun learning the poses, playing games, singing songs, and creating min-lessons. We learned how and why teaching yoga to kids is different from teaching yoga to adults. All students truly enjoyed themselves. In fact, here's what they had to say:

    "I enjoyed the relaxed learning environment and how we were actively participating in the poses, dances, songs, and teaching. I would recommend other educators and those who practice and love yoga to take this training! Thank you so much!" Alie Klein, Guidance Counselor

    "Yoga Rocks Kids really works and is fun! I learned a lot about instructing yoga and expanded my knowledge on the mannerisms of kids. In addition, I also developed a sense of motivation to be more productive in my own life! I really loved this training!" Mary Alice Miller, student

    "This was a wonderful experience. I loved the time we spent together mostly because it was a true bonding experience to focus and think only about yoga and what it is truly about....and to take a deep look into yourself. It is a great gift to give to yourself, even if you are not going to make a career out of it." D.I., Domestic Engineer and Teacher Assistant

    Thank you everyone! it was a great experience for me too! The next Level I training will be October 19, 20, and 21! Register now as there are only a few spaces left!

    Private Grand Opening, July 30th!

    The first day of classes at the new studio, 127 South Street, will be on Monday, July 30th! We are delighted to offer you a larger, more open space to practice. Renovations are underway and we are busy getting the new space up and running. Thank you for all of your support and help as we transition to this long-awaited location!

    This will be the Private Grand Opening for our current students. We are planning a larger, more publicized grand opening in September.

    Stay tuned for updates and announcements!

    I truly hope you are enjoying your summer classes!!!


    Tuesday, July 03, 2007

    Summer News

    Summer Yoga is underway with our new classes, new class times for the evening classes and preparing to move this month to our new location, 127 South Street, Oyster Bay. Our Monday night class was so packed that we had to move it to the park...which turned out to be quite lovely, I might add, well...except for the bugs that is! Thanks to Tricia we all received a little Skin-So-Soft and got a little relief. I didn't really think I got bit up..until today. So let's ponder this whole park it worth it? Post a comment here or just tell me next week!

    All in all, this session will be great and I am so excited to share all of the upcoming new ideas we have planned for the new space. Stay tuned!

    And Happy 4th to all!


    Sunday, June 10, 2007

    Lauren returns and it is full speed ahead!

    So Lauren has returned form her travels spreading Yoga Rocks and working with the Oyster Bay Rotary. We are all so delighted to have her back. Our staff did an amazing job of covering for her while she was away and I want to announce to the world my thanks and gratitude for all of their hard work!

    Now it is full speed ahead for us here in OB! We are making plans for our big move to 127 South Street (former Marie's Toy Store) somewhere in the middle of July, so definitely by August 1st, and ready to expand in a big way. We can accommodate more students in the big, bright space right in the heart of town!

    This summer, yoga is definitely going to rock! We have a great summer program planned with Beach Yoga, which has already begun on Saturdays at 8:00 AM, Kids Yoga Camp, Private Sessions, Rock Your Asana, more convenient times, our new Jivamukti teacher, Dara, and Open Practice Sessions where you can some and practice on your own for only $5! You've got to check us out! And we are growing not only in OB but beyond as we continue to spread our kids and corporate programs. We are in negotiation with Whole Foods to begin our Corporate Yoga Program with their staff over the summer. And we are spreading the Yoga Rocks Kids Program by training people all over LI to bring yoga into their own communities, schools, and homes.

    Be sure to sign up for summer when we begin our Priority Registration on June 18th!

    Monday, May 21, 2007

    New Website Design!

    Well...after countless hours researching, writing, and working with our amazing web designer, Rick, I am happy to say that our brand new website design is finally up and running! I am so pleased with the outcome and little by little it is going to be even better! Our shopping cart is almost set up so very soon you will be able to purchase retail products online. We will pack them up and ship them right to your home! ( new Yoga Books for Kids will soon be available as e-books that you can download too! I am so excited!)

    In addition to our new website, we now have a new computer system called DharmaTribe with an online class schedule. In this system, you can pay for classes online with a credit card and even see all of your class information such as how many classes you have left! Check it out and in time, I know you will like it. Simply go to our website and click on "class schedule."

    Finally, I want to thank all of you for your encouragement and support while I work to grow and expand Yoga Rocks. I have been working on the kids program and diligently training people to teach yoga to kids in schools, pre-schools, daycare centers (since yoga is truly essential for kids nowadays!) as well as been busy hiring new wonderful teachers and staff members to make your experience here the best it can be. We have so many fun options for Summer...starting with Beach Yoga this June and a cool "Rock your Asana" class with Nicki. Furthermore, we will be moving in July which is just around the corner!

    So thank you for being a part of the Yoga Rocks community and choosing to enrich your life by making it more productive, positive, and peaceful a little bit more each day.

    Yours, Jeannine

    Sunday, April 22, 2007

    Annual Picture Day at Yoga Rocks, Oyster Bay!

    Today, on this very beautiful Earth Day, we held the Annual Picture Day from 12:00 Noon until 2:00 PM at our studio for the kids. Michael Korol, the photographer and owner of Real Portrait Images, took the most amazing pictures of the kids doing yoga poses!

    View his website here:

    We will be holding this fun and exciting event every year. Next year we will invite kids and adults to take family portraits or partner poses together! We invite all adults to come down if they would like to have beautiful, professional shots of themselves doing yoga as well.

    Be sure to check the website often...the new pictures and website design is coming!

    And we still had plenty of time to enjoy this perfect day!
    Happy Earth Day to all!
    Lots of peace and joy,

    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    Yoga's All You Need

    Just a quick note to mention the fact that I am still amazed at how yoga really and truly can change your life. When you have yoga, you have everything because you have you! It gives you that much needed feeling of deep connection with yourself...within you...rather than needing something from outside of you. When you have yoga, you have peace. What more is there to life? Yoga is all you need. How wonderful it would be if everyone knew this but even more importantly, REMEMBERED TO DO YOGA in times of stress, worry, or when they felt overwhelmed. All is well. Life is good. Yoga Rocks!

    Monday, March 05, 2007

    Moving right along....

    Hi everyone!

    I know I haven't been using my Yoga Rocks Journal enough these days....but there is good reason. I have been writing the curriculum and manuals for my Yoga Rocks Kids Teacher Training program that kicks off at the end of this month! I am happy to say that the Level I Foundations Manual is complete along with two other books I wrote that go along with The Yoga Rocks Kids Method and Program.

    I can finally announce too, that we have our official YOGA ROCKS LOGOS! We are ready to change the studio over to Yoga Rocks and the official date of the new change will be MARCH 21st, the first day of Spring!

    We are really ready to rock Oyster Bay into Spring this year so be sure to look for our new name on our storefront window, as well as on all of our materials...and new t-shirts (coming soon.....working on that now!)

    Stay posted for the official launch on March 21st!

    Peace, Jeannine

    Tuesday, January 23, 2007

    Yoga Rocks Kids(TM) Teacher Training Workshop

    Our very first teacher training workshop for kids is March 23rd, 24th, and 25th! The workshop will be held at our studio. Space is limited so if you are interested in learning The Yoga Rocks Kids(TM) Method be sure to register early. Visit our website for information about the training and to print the Registration Form.

    I have been working on developing this training for the past 3 years and it is so exciting watching it come into fruition! I have combined my science teaching background with my yoga teaching background to present the most comprehensive, educational, and effective system for teaching yoga to children. What is most unique about the program is that it requires a Yoga Rocks Journal (TM) for the older kids program (ages 7-13). The program can be adapted for teens but that training and manual will come at a later date. The program can also be used for the younger children (ages 2-7) without using the journal to write in, but to use to color instead, to record their feelings, emotions, or thoughts about their yoga experience. I have used journal writing in many of the classes I taught as a science teacher, which we called , the Lab Notebook. And I am adapting that for yoga! Instead of the Scientific Method, we use The Yoga Rocks Kids (TM) Method!

    If you are interested in learning more, visit our website at and REGISTER NOW!

    We look forward to rocking the world of yoga...with you!
    Peace for now,